This information will help you get through the physical, mental, and emotional journey of completing a Half Marathon. There is nothing like the feeling you get from crossing a finish line, the feeling of “I did it, I have what it takes!” And we all have the confidence in 'you' that you have what it takes and we will do it together!
In physical terms, the goal for you is to complete the predetermined distances in a safe and healthy manner. Course for Change is a mentoring program. You can think of a mentor as a personal trainer. This program will teach you to set and achieve goals. You will be able to apply the lessons that you learn from running to everyday situations in your life. You will be able to look at challenges and not be afraid that you can’t do it, you will see the challenges as an opportunity to do your best and to ask for help if needed. Through hard work and dedication you will learn what you can do, what you’re made of and that you do have what it takes!
Please read and submit this form to reserve your spot in the program. We will meet at Chesapeake Finish Line Tower at the OK River Trails 606 Riversport Dr. OKC OK 73129 unless told otherwise. Don’t forget to wear appropriate running clothes and shoes. If you have any questions please feel free to email courseforchangeokc@gmail.com or call Cristian Medina at 405.889.9950
Parental Understanding of Youth Participation
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We welcome your son/daughter CFC OKC! As a representative of the Course for Change OKC program at community events throughout the season, your son/daughter is expected to show basic good behavior and respect along with a sustained level of participation in the program. It is important to understand that while our organization sets the requirements for participation; your son/daughter’s mentors and program personnel have the final word in deciding whether or not your child has met these requirements.
In order to remain a member of the program, the following is required of your son/daughter:
Must exhibit proper and respectful manners and behavior towards fellow runners, Mentors and other adults at all times. Must adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Must have a physical examination by a medical professional.
Must attend regular training runs at CFC as specified by his/her mentor and the training schedule, must maintain 85% attendance, with the exception of school sanctioned absences (notice given ahead of time to Program Manager and documentation provided)
Must maintain a minimum 80% of all miles run.
Must attend scheduled races on Saturdays or Sundays unless there should be extenuating circumstances and prior approval of coordinator has been received. If two races are missed then the youth will be removed from the program.
Arrive 10 minutes early each training day, dressed and ready for announcements.
Wait for all youth and mentors to complete the training run before leaving.
All youth must be picked up by a parent or designee by no later than 7:00 p.m. following Tuesday and Thursday training runs, and within 30 minutes of the conclusion of weekend training runs or races.
Please discuss these expectations with your son/daughter as well as the commitment required for membership in the Program.
We encourage all parents, grandparents, siblings, family and friends to attend the races when they can to cheer on your child and the CFC team. Your participation will have a great effect on your child, they work very hard and are proud of what they are doing. Thank you for your involvement with your son/daughter and our program.
Course for Change Field Trips
Parent or guardian permission for field trips has my permission to participate in any field trip with
Course for Change OKC. I understand the method of transportation may include, but is not limited to, bus, 15-passenger van, or private auto.
Parents, please note:
All persons making the field trip shall be deemed to have waived all claims against Course for Change OKC, and all affiliated persons for injury, accident, or death occurring during or by reason on the field trip or excursion.
You agree to direct your child to cooperate with directions and instructions of the personnel in charge of the activity. You further understand and agree that if your child is provided transportation through CFC and plan to bring your child home in our private vehicle you will notify CFC in writing so they will be aware your child has left with you.
Medical Treatment Authorization
In the event that your child (children) are taken to an Emergency Room or Medical Care facility, or need emergency transportation and/or in need of treatment, in your absence from attendance at any of the Training Runs/Races, any of the following individuals has your consent to authorize emergency transportation and/or treatment for your child (children) by the Doctor(s) of their choosing as that Doctor(s) may deem necessary. You further understand that CFC personnel may share this medical information as necessary and for safety purposes with fellow runners or mentors or program volunteers.
Furthermore, having been fully informed of its nature and purpose, you acknowledge that you give your child (children) permission to participate in the CFC Program. You further acknowledge that your permission for your child’s (children’s) participation in the aforementioned program is with full and complete knowledge of the risks involved and you hereby agree to assume those risks and hold Course for Change OKC, all of its officers and employees, and mentors or elected officers of the organization free from liability of any nature whatever for any injury, harm, or complication of any kind that may result, directly or indirectly, by reason of your child’s (children’s) participation in this program.
Code of Conduct
The CFC Coordinator and/or leaders can dismiss a youth from the program on the spot for disciplinary issues. The CFC board may seek input from mentors in making disciplinary decisions but the board ultimately has decision making discretion on all disciplinary matters.
Lack of effort strikes can be issued by mentors and are treated the same as an absence strike.
NEVER leave the running or race path
Respect mentors, youth and other adults at all times
Respect property of CFC and comply with rules of CFC
Be respectful of other runners in races and on the path
Refrain from talk of race, drugs, sex, gangs and using profanity.
Attend 85% of training runs
Maintain a minimum 80% of all miles run
Attend all scheduled races
Wear CFC issued race clothing to every race
Shirts must be worn at all times
Stay with the group before and after each run until last runner is in and you have been dismissed
Always stay with the group at races
Maintain at least a 15-minute-per-mile pace for Sunday runs and 13 minute per mile pace for weekday training runs.
Complete the 10-mile training run with the group.
Reimburse race fees (or perform community service) for any missed races you signed up for
Exhibit respect for the environment by picking up after yourself and cleaning up after yourself before you leave
Have fun!
Media Consent
As part of the Course for Change OKC program, participants may be photographed for use in CFC OKC events, promotions or publications. Your picture may thereafter appear in program highlights, brochures, newspapers or newscasts.